Sunday 13 April 2014

Hello everybody! :)

Ok let me clear a few things up before I start right away on this blog. :)
My name is Harriet and I'm 13, turning 14 on the 12th of August.

My life is a bit of a rollarcoaster, really. As is anyone else's life. Nobody's life is full of ups, and nobody's life is full of downs. It is always a mixture, no matter who you are. And I want to share as much of mine as I can with the internet. (Not everything, of course. Everyone deserves a personal life. Just the things I am comfortable with sharing with the internet.)

This blog is mainly for my innermost thoughts about stuff going on, my opinions on random things and what I get up to in my life. (Of course, MOST things. Not everything.) :)

I hope you like this weird journey of a weird girl, living a weird life in a weird world.


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