Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Annoying social networks

It's easily said. I love to use social networking sites. I use the internet almost all day. Almost everyone of this generation that I know uses at least one form of social networking. It's good! 'Keeps you in touch with old friends, lets you organize events, lets you bond closer with your current friends and is also a good form of entertainment. (browsing through your tumblr dash.)  But alas.... these websites are open to all kinds of people. And I mean ALL KINDS.
This means.... stupid people.

(DISCLAIMER: This is not directed at anyone I know. I'm not a hater! I'm just expressing my opinion. That's what this blog is for.)

Annoying person on social networks #1:
The attention seeker.

They are everywhere and not just on social networks. Here is an example of an attention-craving post, even though there are many examples.

It's the post in the middle. The purposely mysterious one where the author wants to let everyone know that something is going wrong in their life, and when people ask about what's going on, they 'don't want to get into it.' This is very annoying for the people who are trying to help you. When they are actually caring enough to ask what's wrong, at least tell them what's going on. And if it's an indirect (woahhh DON'T GET ME STARTED ON INDIRECTS) specifically meant for one person, then send them a message if it's that personal.

Annoying person on social networks #2:
The selfie-overloader.

Okay, let's get this established. It's PERFECTLY FINE to take selfies. They boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself, which is a 100% good thing! But if your entire instagram/facebook is basically selfies of your 'new shirt!' when more of your face is in the picture rather than the actual excuse, then things can get a bit annoying for others scrolling down their newsfeed (if they're on facebook.)
I have to admit that one time, I was this person. I would take lots of selfies mainly because I liked taking pictures and because of a 'new haircut' or 'new jumper.' But I realised that my face doesn't change every single day, so I limited the selfies. (DISCLAIMER: I love selfies! Just don't overdo it.)

Annoying person on social networks #3:
The troll.

Mkay, so someone's posted a really happy status which is really good for them and it's a good time in their lives. Suddenly a troll (hater) comes along and ruins it.

Happy person's status: "I'VE FINALLY MET MY GOAL AND LOST 10LBS! :D #proud"
Troll: "Umm then why do you look exactly the same?"

Before you post something, think this to yourself.
"Am I posting this just to hurt someone?"

Because if you get confronted about it in real life, well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Annoying person on social networks #4:
The sport-enthusiast.

Look, I understand if it's a huge game on TV or if you played in a game and want to announce the score. That's fine. But honestly, if every single facebook status you write is literally some long paragraph like:


then you should probably take into account that it sounds like gibberish to the rest of us who don't watch sport.
Someone seriously needs to make a sport social network where all the sport enthusiasts can just rant about every single thing that they're watching because it's pretty annoying.

Annoying person on social networks #5:
The hashtagger.

Ok, nothing's wrong with using hashtags.... in moderation.


'Omggg that #akward #moment when u go 2 mak #toast.... AN DERE'S NO #BREAD!!!1 #firstworldproblemz #fml #mylifeissooohard #likeifdishappenedtoyou #oryouwilldiein7days #lol'

Hashtags are just annoying.
Especially on facebook.
(unless they're used ironically.)

I really hope you don't do these. :D


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