Tuesday, 22 April 2014

50 random facts about me

Ok, you don't really need to know these, but here are 50 randomly picked facts about me. :D

1. I play the drumkit for fun.

2. I always eat meals reeeally slowly.

3. I waste a lot of hours on my laptop.

4. My laptop shuts down after about an hour of gaming.

5. This is bad, because I refer to myself as a gamer.

6. I support gender, race, sexuality and any sort of equality.

7. I just ate a banana.

8. My room is never completely tidy.

9. I prefer cats to dogs. (DON'T SHOOT ME.)

10. My favourite school subject is music.

11. I like my steak done medium.

12. There is a mini jammy dodger wrapper next to me.

13. I want to get an HTC One.

14. I have dreams of being at a youtuber convention such as vidcon.

15. I want to meet my favourite youtubers.

16. I want to be a youtuber soon.

17. I have never seen a ferret in real life.

18. I am terrified of huge dogs. Like, HUGE ones that jump up to any person that walks past them.

19. SO afraid, in fact, that I will take a different route home just to avoid walking past it.

20. I hate the sound of people biting their nails.

21. Right now, I am putting off my D.T homework.

22. I am terrified of wasps.

23. I prefer pink-lady apples to any other kind of apple.

24. I think galaxy is tastier than cadbury's.

25. I share my birthday with the founder of cadbury's chocolate.

26. I used to always think the moon followed you in long car journeys.

27. I used to think I was a good drawer.... LOL

28. At a restaurant, I can never decide what meat I want because I love every kind of meat. (that sounded wronggg....)

29. I live in London.

30. People say I sound posh.

31. I agree with them slightly.

32. I am unable to use headphones in this laptop as the headphones socket is blocked.

33. I think bats are adorable.

34. My favourite dessert is either loads of chocolate brownie/cake with hot chocolate sauce, cheesecake or loads of Neapolitan ice-cream. 

35. I prefer sweet foods to savory.

36. I am hungry.

37. I usually am.

38. I used to have a Syrian hamster called Hazel - we had her for 2 weeks and she died at 10 weeks old. She was really healthy and I still miss her. It was the first time I had ever really experienced someone/something close to me dying and I was 12.

39. I am always really tired during lessons.

40. I occasionally have laughing fits which disrupt lessons.

41. I like science but I find it hard to understand sometimes and this is mainly because, really, I don't listen.

42. I wonder what the meaning of life is.

43. I daydream a lot.

44. I take the bus to school and walk home.

45. All of my primary teachers described me as quirky.

46. My favourite word is kerfuffle.

47. I think mini chedders are amazing.

48. I have quite a strong opinion about a lot of people, but I do not show this.

49. My favourite biscuits are oreos.

50. I sleep on a bed which is near my cieling on a ladder.



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