Friday, 18 April 2014

A guide to: Lucid Dreaming

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is when you dream, and you're aware that you're dreaming. This results in you being able to control the dream, set the scene and make it go how you want. I love these dreams and I had them a lot as a child. I was able to fly (which is common in lucid dreams) and I could talk to people I loved, dead or alive, and it was pretty much one of the best moments of the night I could experience.
I stopped lucid dreaming when I was about 12, and I wanted to carry on. And I found out how. Now, with a bit of practice, I can lucid dream almost every night.

Here is how to do it.

1. Perform reality checks when you're awake. E.G: "Am I dreaming?"

If you make a habit of asking yourself "Am I dreaming?", then this will work your way into your dreams and you can see if you're dreaming in many ways. Pinch yourself - if it hurts, you're awake. If it doesn't (you'll probably feel like you have pins and needles when you pinch yourself/it'll feel numb), then you're in a dream.

Other reality checks you could do would be:
(oh daaamn look at those drawings)

1. Check the time.
If it's the same when you look back a second time, you're awake. If it changes the second time you look at the clock into something different or abnormal, then you're dreaming.

2. Check your hands.
It sounds weird, but if you make a habit of looking at your hands every once in a while, this habit will work its way into your dreams. If your hands look completely and utterly normal as they are, you're probably awake. If they look disorientated or bloated, you're dreaming. You might also see less than/more than 5 fingers on your hands.

3. 'A' for awake.
I guess this is similar to reality check number 2. If you write an 'A' on your hand for awake and you check your hands and it's there, you'll sub-consciously realise you're awake. If it's not there when you check your hands and you haven't washed it off, you're dreaming.

4. Jump.
You can usually fly in lucid dreams!

If you know you're dreaming, you'll be able to control the dream. With these tips, you'll be able to realise when you're dreaming and therefore, you'll be able to control the dream. :D

2. Keep a dream journal.

As soon as you wake up, write down as many things as you can remember anywhere - preferably in a book so that you can see your dreaming patterns. You will realise that certain things appear in your dreams and if you see those things, check if you're dreaming using the steps above.

3. Techniques when you're about to go to sleep.

There are also sleeping techniques that make you gain lucidity.
I really can't be bothered to write them in my own words here, so here's a link to an article so you can find out more about how to lucid dream. :D
(woo, wikihow)

4. Once you realise you're dreaming....

you can do awesome things!

1. Teleport.
Spin around with your eyes shut, visualize a new landscape, and open your eyes.

2. Fly.
This is probably my favourite thing to do in a lucid dream. Jump and think about flying - you'll be able to do it. Some people have to train themselves - jump a little higher with each step if you're walking. You should suddenly be able to lift off the ground.

3. Breathe underwater.
Teleport to a swimming pool and go swimming. You should be able to breathe underwater.

4. Shapeshift.
I can't do this one, but some people can. Make an 'excuse' to transform into anything.
Just do it with your mind.
(It's really hard.)

Use telekinesis and move things with your mind. :D You could also move yourself, causing you to fly.

6. Talk to characters in books/films you like.
I love having conversations with Fred and George Weasley.

7. Point at something and make it explode.
Just.... do it. It's fun.

8. Change your age.
You can be really old/really young. I prefer being the age I am now, but do what you want.

9. Try going on the internet.
It's funny sometimes.
I once saw the old youtube layout - the REALLY old one where you could rate videos 1-5 stars.
Good times.

10. Eat a pill.
Eat anything, really. Who knows what could happen? You could fall into a vortex.

I love lucid dreaming. It's awesome.


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