Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Being unpopular

There are lots of kinds of unpopularity - you could have an unpopular opinion (E.G: I don't like cheese. This is a true fact about me, by the way.) or you could be the opposite of a celebrity.
But the most commonly talked about era of unpopularity is being unpopular with people. Some can find it annoying; being unpopular and not able to make many friends can be upsetting for them and they can easily start to question:

"Why does everybody hate me?"
"What's wrong with me?"

I'll tell you something - I am probably one of the most unpopular people in my school year. And to be honest, I don't give two shizzles.

By unpopular, I mean I don't have that many friends. I find it very hard to identify someone as one of my friends - a friend, to me, is someone I can be myself around and they don't care.
Those people are so hard to find.
Most of my friends are boys - I only have a few friends who are girls and even then, they usually find people who are into more things they are and therefore like them more. That's the thing - I am usually never put first.
Also, I know that a lot of people dislike me - they dislike how I act, talk, what things I like and anything I do.
Let me tell you something:
I DON'T CARE! :D Think what you like - it's probably never going to affect me or my health.

Why should you spend your ENTIRE life caring about what other people think of you? Life would suck and it wouldn't be worth living - life isn't about other people unless you want it to be. You should be able to do what you want and when you want, without people caring. Unfortunately, this society is made to care about what other people do that isn't their business, or if someone doesn't fit into society they decide to act badly to them or behind their backs in an indirect post on facebook.
That isn't what life's about.

The amount of friends you have doesn't define you as a person.

I could be the meanest person in the entire world and still be popular.
I could also be the kindest person in the entire world and be unpopular.

Just because you're sitting at lunch alone doesn't mean you've done something awful or that you're extremely sarcastic and mean. It could mean that, but it doesn't always.
That person you see sitting alone or having to go in a three could be the nicest person you know once you get to know them - they might not be very good at making friends.

But why should you care about the amount of friends someone has?

If they're happy with themselves and they're not hurting you or anyone else, why try to make them know that you don't like the fact that they don't have many friends? Why should you care?

Here's a message to those who don't have many friends. Are you happy the way you are? If yes, good. Do what you want. If no, don't worry! You probably just haven't found your true friends yet. (: If you're not that good at making friends, wait for the right person to come to you or try hanging out with some new people and see if they're nice to you and you'll be able to feel if you fit in or not.

Oh, and don't care about what other people think of you.
If they hate you for whatever reason, don't have anything to do with them because they're 100% not worth your time. (:


Sunday, 27 April 2014


So I've had 500 clicks on my blog in total.


Thank you for taking time out of whatever you were doing just to read what random stuff had been on my mind.
This had motivated me to write more omg.



I should do something special for that.

How to revise for an exam

Wanting to revise is a really good thing, but not knowing how to will decrease your motivation and you won't be able to study effectively. I've put together the best tips and tricks that work for me when I'm studying, so that if you have exams coming up (*cough* 12th of May) you won't come across any topics you didn't know about or get stuck on trying to remember something. Well, it'll decrease your chances by a LOT. If you want to get into a certain set next year and get good levels on your tests, you'll have to go over nearly everything you've studied. But don't panic - time is key! Right now we have 2 weeks until our finals for KS3 that determine how we learn our GCSEs. This is enough time to study.

Step one: Make sure you're not distracted.

Find a place where you have enough room to study and it's free from distractions. Remove all pets from the room, put your phone on silent and put it out of your sight, hide your laptop somewhere etc. Maybe even ask your mum or someone to hide your things so you don't know where they are and therefore you HAVE to study. You'll be tempted to check your social networks every once in a while or send a text whenever you hear your phone, and you may think "One text won't hurt" or "I'll just reply to their comment.." but this will get you out of the 'study zone' and you won't be as focused when you go back to studying.
You don't check your phone or go on your laptop during an exam, so don't do it whilst revising!

Some people like to have one specific room to study in, whereas some people like to go out in public or change locations every time they study. I usually study in my room on my desk and I don't change locations. This is useful because I can associate my knowledge with the location I was in.

Make sure the room is quiet and there are no other people in it, unless you want to study with them.

Step two: Find the best way to study for you and stick to it.

Get a revision timetable and stick to it.
Maybe write: Sunday 12:00-13:00 - Maths past paper.

If you have your maths exam from 11:30 to 12:30 (3rd period) then do a past paper at the weekend from 11:30 to 12:30! You'll be able to remember things clearly.

If there are things I don't understand, I go back through them after I do the test (and I use extra time in the time I give myself to check the test) and take notes on them, do exercises I find on websites/in textbooks and make sure I know it well enough to teach someone else.

Maybe watch videos if you're a visual learner. Remember phrases/rhymes/songs if you learn things by hearing them. I'm a mixture of both, so I sometimes watch demonstrations on youtube of how science works and I take notes in my own words, and I listen and remember the words.
(every pla-ant knows this fun-da-ment-al process
and we-e call this pho-to-synth-es-is)

Write on revision cards and ask people to test you on them.
EG: Sibling: (On revision card) What year was Shakespeare born?
You: *Thinks back to how you remembered it* 1564 in the Elizabethan era.
Sibling: *Looks at answer on card* Correct!

Study with other people if you can!
I usually study by myself, but it's useful getting help from my friends if they understand something and I don't.


Don't think "I've done 10 minutes of simultaneous equations, which means 10 hours of youtube so I can cool down."
Even though I wish you could.

Do a past paper and cover all the stuff you couldn't do, then once you've done that, play a bit of sims for half an hour or go eat some food.
Then go back to revising but on a different subject. Or on the same subject if that's what suits you.


Step four: Eat and sleep.

Each human our age (13-14) needs about 8 hours of sleep a night. What I do is I get ready for bed at 21:30, go to bed at 22:00, go to sleep at around 23:00 and wake up at 7:00. That's around 8 hours of sleep, but when you have an exam, try to have ONE EXTRA HOUR of sleep on days you're revising and especially the night before the exam.

Eat healthy food and have a balanced diet - don't live on sugar. This can make you have sugar crushes and you'll not function well and won't take in as much information.
BUT you should have a little sugar to keep your spirits up - one bar of chocolate is the best for this.


You'll have a crash and you'll be really drowsy and your brain won't be able to remember any information.

Here's why.

(why is Kate Middleton on the thumbnail? She's not even in the video lol)


-Take all your notes with a blue pen and write in the same colour when you take the test. It's scientifically proven that you remember more text when it's read in blue and if you write in the same colour in the test, it'll take you back to your notes if you've read over them enough and jog your memory.

-If you're allowed to chew gum at school, chew gum when you're revising and the same gum for the test. This will again jog your memory. If it's not allowed at your school (which it isn't in mine) or you're not allowed it yourself, try brushing your teeth before you revise and right before you go to school, if you have tests in the morning before you eat.

-Don't work on an empty stomach! At break and lunch, eat carbohydrates and fruit + vegetables. Maybe pack yourself a sandwich and a cereal bar. Also make sure you've had plenty of breakfast because this makes your brain more active.

-Don't copy out large chunks of text or just do one past paper. Write in your own words and take notes and do exercises on the things you don't understand.

-Repetition is key to remembering things. Don't read over things or do an exercise just once!

-STAY CALM! If you think you'll pass this test with a good level, there's more likelihood that you'll get a better level. If you think you'll do badly, you WILL DO BADLY. So don't stress because it's unhealthy and be confident. :}

Ok, if you're procrastinating from revising from tests that're coming up, go revise.

Right now.


You'll fail your test otherwise.

....go then.

You're still here aren't you?

Yeah, I thought so.


Saturday, 26 April 2014

How to know if a girl likes you (REQUESTED)

Here it is. This was suggested by an anonymous requester. This is directed at anyone, regardless of gender and who happens to be attracted to girls. Or maybe you're a straight girl reading this and you're just curious about what you do if you like a boy and see how many things you can relate to in this post. Does she like you back? Let's see.
DISCLAIMER: I am a girl, and I know these from past experiences.

1. She will find excuses to be close to you.

If you find her to be touching your arm, standing near you or sitting near you, chances are she might have a crush on you - being a girl, I still have no idea why we do this.
We just like being close to you.

2. She is awkward/shy around you.

Ok, let me put you in our position.

Girl: *Sees crush unexpectedly* *Thinking* OHGODOHGOD THERE THEY ARE ok just act normal.... maybe smile at them.... NO they'll think I'm strange and weird and they won't want to talk to me. I could wave as they walk past.... oh god what if they take the mick- JEEZUS THEY'RE HERE ok.... just act as you always do. Don't NORMAL.
 *Speaking* Hey! *Waves slightly* 

....yeah. Don't think we're weird. Am I the only one who used to do this?


3. You might catch her staring at you.

This sounds quite weird, but guys do it too. Admit it - if you've had a crush, you haven't resisted a chance of snatching a quick look of them before turning back quickly so they don't catch you doing it.
Why do we hide it?
I don't know. We get really nervous around our crushes, no matter how good friends we and the crush are.
I don't know - you just can't help but....
It's quite weird.
Guys do it too. :)

4. She'll start to like the things you like.
(Or just say she does)

If you happen to like TF2, she'll probably bring it up in a conversation and say that she's played it too. She might also ask if you can play it together at some point over steam/skype.
She should be telling the truth, but she could be lying to impress you.
THIS ISN'T WISE. Don't lie to impress someone - if they're the right person for you, they'll like you for who you are. But yeah - advice to girls: Play video games with them if they like video games.
Or sports with them if they like sports.

5. She'll laugh at A LOT of stuff you say.

Even if you aren't particularly funny, she'll laugh with you when you try to be.
I guess it's passive complimenting.

6. She'll fix her appearance around you.

She might have done her hair really nice/done her makeup really well because she knew she'd be around you that day, or you might catch her fixing her hair a lot so that she doesn't look like someone who woke up from a bed made of bushes.

If you have any other ways of telling that a girl likes you, leave it in the comments below or on Facebook. :)

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - I've been quite busy with stuff.
I have loads more ideas for blog posts and will be posting a lot more regularly so look out for those posts!


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

50 random facts about me

Ok, you don't really need to know these, but here are 50 randomly picked facts about me. :D

1. I play the drumkit for fun.

2. I always eat meals reeeally slowly.

3. I waste a lot of hours on my laptop.

4. My laptop shuts down after about an hour of gaming.

5. This is bad, because I refer to myself as a gamer.

6. I support gender, race, sexuality and any sort of equality.

7. I just ate a banana.

8. My room is never completely tidy.

9. I prefer cats to dogs. (DON'T SHOOT ME.)

10. My favourite school subject is music.

11. I like my steak done medium.

12. There is a mini jammy dodger wrapper next to me.

13. I want to get an HTC One.

14. I have dreams of being at a youtuber convention such as vidcon.

15. I want to meet my favourite youtubers.

16. I want to be a youtuber soon.

17. I have never seen a ferret in real life.

18. I am terrified of huge dogs. Like, HUGE ones that jump up to any person that walks past them.

19. SO afraid, in fact, that I will take a different route home just to avoid walking past it.

20. I hate the sound of people biting their nails.

21. Right now, I am putting off my D.T homework.

22. I am terrified of wasps.

23. I prefer pink-lady apples to any other kind of apple.

24. I think galaxy is tastier than cadbury's.

25. I share my birthday with the founder of cadbury's chocolate.

26. I used to always think the moon followed you in long car journeys.

27. I used to think I was a good drawer.... LOL

28. At a restaurant, I can never decide what meat I want because I love every kind of meat. (that sounded wronggg....)

29. I live in London.

30. People say I sound posh.

31. I agree with them slightly.

32. I am unable to use headphones in this laptop as the headphones socket is blocked.

33. I think bats are adorable.

34. My favourite dessert is either loads of chocolate brownie/cake with hot chocolate sauce, cheesecake or loads of Neapolitan ice-cream. 

35. I prefer sweet foods to savory.

36. I am hungry.

37. I usually am.

38. I used to have a Syrian hamster called Hazel - we had her for 2 weeks and she died at 10 weeks old. She was really healthy and I still miss her. It was the first time I had ever really experienced someone/something close to me dying and I was 12.

39. I am always really tired during lessons.

40. I occasionally have laughing fits which disrupt lessons.

41. I like science but I find it hard to understand sometimes and this is mainly because, really, I don't listen.

42. I wonder what the meaning of life is.

43. I daydream a lot.

44. I take the bus to school and walk home.

45. All of my primary teachers described me as quirky.

46. My favourite word is kerfuffle.

47. I think mini chedders are amazing.

48. I have quite a strong opinion about a lot of people, but I do not show this.

49. My favourite biscuits are oreos.

50. I sleep on a bed which is near my cieling on a ladder.



Monday, 21 April 2014

Things nobody says (in the first world)

I've seen a few of these types of videos on youtube and decided to put in my favourite phrases that nobody says, and add some of my own.

"I never really use the internet."


"What is a one direction?"

"Ummm, I think Jersey Shore is educational, personally."

"Who's Justin Bieber?"

"I love dieting!"

"I love it when you have to get somewhere and there's traffic. It's just.... the highlight of my entire day."

"Kidsbop is GENIUS."

"Oh my god - Siri is always right."

"God I love waiting for the bus."

"Construction in the morning is the best way to wake up."


"What is a twitter?"

"Youtube? I've never been on that website."

"I'm so excited for when we have our final exams."

"I HATE junk food."

"Comic sans is the best font ever."

"What does lol mean?"

Comment some more things that nobody says in the comments below, or on facebook. :D


Saturday, 19 April 2014

That's the biggest overreaction I've ever seen!


(credit to fruitsgarden on tumblr ^.^)

Friday, 18 April 2014

FANTASTIC FRIDAYS: Youtuber review! Danisnotonfire + Amazingphil

(MASSIVE amount of credit: autumnlesterhowell on tumblr for these drawings. ^.^)

Phil Lester and Dan Howell are 2 successful Youtube and Radio 1 personalities who live in the same apartment as best friends. (*COUGH* I ship them a little.) Dan is 22 and Phil is 27, however to me, Dan acts more like the 'older brother' to his viewers, giving them advice on how to live and about his embarrassing past experiences which he tells us not to do, whereas Phil is more of the 'manchild' as he's called by some of his fans, specifically on tumblr. He likes to do more youtube challenges, such as the 7 second challenge which he made up himself. (SMALL USELESS FACT: The 7 second challenge was actually meant to be his own thing on his channel that he would do with multiple other youtubers, but other youtubers started doing it, which turned it into a youtube challenge.) He has also done the Krave challenge, which Dan has also done. Dan swears more than Phil. Both of them like to talk about stuff they did in the past, such as 'Reasons Why I Was A Weird Kid' made by Phil (the title is pretty self explanatory), and 'The Panic Alarm' made by Dan, which is an embarrassing story from when he used to work at a store. (It rhymes with schmazda.)
Although these people are separate youtubers, people often see them as one.
On tumblr, a lot of their fans like to 'ship' them together. (I'll talk about shipping in another post.) To sum it up in a nutshell, this means that they like the idea of them being in a relationship. Their ship name is Phan. (because Phil + Dan = Phan.)
Dan has 3,460,000 subscribers to his youtube channel, whereas Phil only has 1,720,000. This is sad - Phil is awesome at film editing and he's just as funny as Dan. (In my opinion.)

*~*~* ^ Phil ^ *~*~*

*~*~* ^ Dan ^ *~*~*

How they met:

Phil had started making videos waaaay back in 2006 with an old black and white webcam. Then as he progressively got better, Dan found him on the internet. He was a fan of Phil. He would tweet him often, and Phil noticed these tweets, so he asked Dan if he wanted his skype because he liked Dan. They would talk for about 4 hours almost every day, then decided to meet up in London. Then they started making videos together, then got a flat in Manchester together. They started gaining subscribers, and when they were ready, they moved into a flat in London, which is where they live now. They are now verified youtubers and make videos today. :D

Here are some of my favourite videos from them. Dan swears, so viewer discretion is advised. ^.^

'The 7 second challenge' by Amazingphil.

'How Not To Survive School' by danisnotonfire.

'How To Make Christmas Cookies!' By both of them. (On Amazingphil's channel)

These are, by far, my favourite youtubers. I love every single one of their videos. ^.^

Have any other suggestions for posts? Leave them in the comments below. Also tell me what you think of Dan and Phil. :D


A guide to: Lucid Dreaming

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is when you dream, and you're aware that you're dreaming. This results in you being able to control the dream, set the scene and make it go how you want. I love these dreams and I had them a lot as a child. I was able to fly (which is common in lucid dreams) and I could talk to people I loved, dead or alive, and it was pretty much one of the best moments of the night I could experience.
I stopped lucid dreaming when I was about 12, and I wanted to carry on. And I found out how. Now, with a bit of practice, I can lucid dream almost every night.

Here is how to do it.

1. Perform reality checks when you're awake. E.G: "Am I dreaming?"

If you make a habit of asking yourself "Am I dreaming?", then this will work your way into your dreams and you can see if you're dreaming in many ways. Pinch yourself - if it hurts, you're awake. If it doesn't (you'll probably feel like you have pins and needles when you pinch yourself/it'll feel numb), then you're in a dream.

Other reality checks you could do would be:
(oh daaamn look at those drawings)

1. Check the time.
If it's the same when you look back a second time, you're awake. If it changes the second time you look at the clock into something different or abnormal, then you're dreaming.

2. Check your hands.
It sounds weird, but if you make a habit of looking at your hands every once in a while, this habit will work its way into your dreams. If your hands look completely and utterly normal as they are, you're probably awake. If they look disorientated or bloated, you're dreaming. You might also see less than/more than 5 fingers on your hands.

3. 'A' for awake.
I guess this is similar to reality check number 2. If you write an 'A' on your hand for awake and you check your hands and it's there, you'll sub-consciously realise you're awake. If it's not there when you check your hands and you haven't washed it off, you're dreaming.

4. Jump.
You can usually fly in lucid dreams!

If you know you're dreaming, you'll be able to control the dream. With these tips, you'll be able to realise when you're dreaming and therefore, you'll be able to control the dream. :D

2. Keep a dream journal.

As soon as you wake up, write down as many things as you can remember anywhere - preferably in a book so that you can see your dreaming patterns. You will realise that certain things appear in your dreams and if you see those things, check if you're dreaming using the steps above.

3. Techniques when you're about to go to sleep.

There are also sleeping techniques that make you gain lucidity.
I really can't be bothered to write them in my own words here, so here's a link to an article so you can find out more about how to lucid dream. :D
(woo, wikihow)

4. Once you realise you're dreaming....

you can do awesome things!

1. Teleport.
Spin around with your eyes shut, visualize a new landscape, and open your eyes.

2. Fly.
This is probably my favourite thing to do in a lucid dream. Jump and think about flying - you'll be able to do it. Some people have to train themselves - jump a little higher with each step if you're walking. You should suddenly be able to lift off the ground.

3. Breathe underwater.
Teleport to a swimming pool and go swimming. You should be able to breathe underwater.

4. Shapeshift.
I can't do this one, but some people can. Make an 'excuse' to transform into anything.
Just do it with your mind.
(It's really hard.)

Use telekinesis and move things with your mind. :D You could also move yourself, causing you to fly.

6. Talk to characters in books/films you like.
I love having conversations with Fred and George Weasley.

7. Point at something and make it explode.
Just.... do it. It's fun.

8. Change your age.
You can be really old/really young. I prefer being the age I am now, but do what you want.

9. Try going on the internet.
It's funny sometimes.
I once saw the old youtube layout - the REALLY old one where you could rate videos 1-5 stars.
Good times.

10. Eat a pill.
Eat anything, really. Who knows what could happen? You could fall into a vortex.

I love lucid dreaming. It's awesome.


Thursday, 17 April 2014

15 AWESOME things you need in your future home

Ok, so I found these pictures on tumblr and I HAD to put them on my blog.
Because.... seriously.

I NEED these in my future home.
(credit to beben-eleben)

1. A firepit IN THE POOL

2. A door that turns into a ping-pong table

3. Chilled produce drawers in the kitchen

4. A trapdoor that leads to a wine-cellar

5. A sleepover room

6. A swing-set dining table

7. A door handle that turns off any electricity and gas when you leave

8. A built-in TV for the bathtub

9. A glass-encased fireplace

10. A loft hammock

11. A hot-tub that flows from the inside to outside

12. A huge round bedroom window

13. A stained glass door

14. A library bookshelf

15. A bone-shaped pool for your dog


I could waste SO MANY hours looking at amazing homes on the internet. :D


A guide to the 'Friend Zone'

Ok, first of all, I'm going to try and keep this post light hearted and not too full on.
Because talking about the 'friend zone' (note that I put it in quote marks because it's metaphorical and also quite douchey) can be seen as a very touchy subject and can cause a lot of gender wars.

So.... what is the 'friend zone'?

The 'friend zone' is basically a place where a guy or a girl (or whatever gender you place yourself in) likes another person (whoever you're attracted to) and that person doesn't like you back.
The way they usually say that they don't like you in that way is through subtle hints, such as:

"You're like a brother to me. I hope our friendship never ends. :D"
"You know, I just really value our friendship. We're such good friends."

The term 'friend zone' is a popular phrase used by another gender to discriminate against another gender in today's society which quite frankly, I find a bit stupid. I researched a few online definitions of the 'friend zone' (*cough* urban dictionary) and saw that most people think it is a place more commonly experienced by men that women. Wow.... okay.... I won't comment on that because it'll start a war, most likely. But I'll tell you that women experience this too.

The friendzone is ridiculous.
I'll tell you why it is.

Because you can't blame someone for not liking you back. It's not their fault that they're not scientifically attracted to you. No matter how much of a nice guy/girl you are, you can't play the victim of someone who just simply doesn't like you in the same way.
You can buy them stuff and compliment them, but this won't make them scientifically attracted to you. You can't make someone love you and if you think this:

"I'm a nice guy/girl! Why doesn't he/she like me back? They only go for bad girls/guys. It's their fault they don't like me back. I didn't do all this nice stuff just to be their friend!"

then you're rather stupid.

But how can I get out of the 'friend zone'?

Tell them you love them and either get rejected or be their girlfriend/boyfriend.
If you're scared of getting rejected and you won't be friends again, then wooow. What a strong foundation your friendship was built on.
If you're good friends and they don't like you back in the same way, then you won't fall out as friends.
It's fun being just friends with someone of the opposite gender.

Oh and.... look at this picture.
(credit to coyoteandcatfish)


Wednesday, 16 April 2014

5 things you should never say to a girl

Mkay, it doesn't matter if this is your girlfriend, crush, friend or anyone. There are just some things that you should NEVER say to a girl. Just.... no. I'll list 5 examples. Because 5 is a good number.

1. "Hey, have you lost weight?"

Okay, even if it's something good and positive, it might be over-analysed and taken the wrong way.
You should never EVER make a comment about a girl's weight.
It might scar her for life.

Because here's what goes through our heads sometimes when we hear a comment about our weight:

'Wait.... what's he trying to say....? WAS I FAT BEFORE?'

It's just us, okay?
Sometimes we over-analyse stuff.
But sometimes, if we knew we were fat before, we'll take it well and think you're a nice person.

2. "My ex used to do that too.... heh...."

(It doesn't have to be your ex - it was just an example of another girl.)


As much as guys probably don't like being compared to other guys, don't do this.
It's not worth the risk.... seriously.

3. "Is (insert name here) single?"

This is roughly equivalent to this:

Boy: *To girl* Hey. *Looks up at her face* Oh, ummmm.... not you. Ew. Uhh.... that person over there is better than you. I'll go after her instead KBYE.

This will make us feel insecure.
Or we won't care, because we don't like you back. ^.^

4. "What're you wearing?"

Don't make disparaging comments about a girl's appearance. This is similar to number one. She probably made an effort to look good that day, so don't make her think:

1. Her time was wasted.
2. She's ugly.

5. "WOW YOU LOOK FIIINE...." (over and over)

It's great to give compliments to a girl about her appearance/personality.
Until you become annoying and slightly creepy.

Our reactions will go from:
"Thank you! :D" *feels happy*
"Umm, ok." *feels slightly uncomfortable*

Let's just say that if you don't say these things, then you're fine.

There are plenty of other things you should never say to a girl, but it takes common sense to see what they are.

EDIT: Not all girls are the same, therefore not all girls will act this way.
