Monday, 5 May 2014

How to deal with sadness/suicide

(So, this is quite a different post to what I usually do. I got inspired to make this post for anyone, anywhere.)

Being sad is probably one of the things in the world that sucks the most.
It sucks.
A lot.

Every single human experiences sadness in many ways - whether it's depression, loneliness, heartbreak, anxiety, feeling like you don't have a place in this world or dealing with death (there are billions of other kinds of sadness), all humans experience at least one of these things and you shouldn't feel like the only one, even though it's hard not to think of that at the time. Loads of people in this world are going through the same thing as you. Don't feel like the only one dealing with something, because there are other people out there who know how you feel. If you're going through a crisis or a sudden turn in the road, I am here in case you want to talk to me. There are also thousands of people who can help you.

-Your family

-The school councillor (Yes, there is one in pretty much EVERY school in the first world. They don't tell the students who don't need a councillor.)

-Your friends - if you trust someone who is willing to keep a secret for you, tell them! It's what friends are for.

-Hotlines (I'll put some at the bottom of the post.)


-Go to this website: because it really helped me - you ask anonymous people to solve your problems, write down stuff where nobody else can see it and you can help other anonymous people - you could save a life on there. Someone could save yours.

But how can I make this sadness go away?

Well, it depends what it is.

-Take time. Don't expect your gloominess to be over in a day. Time is key to happiness. If you're mourning over someone or you've just had a fallout/breakup, it's clear that you won't be all right after that day. It takes time, but eventually, you'll be happy! It's better than never being happy again.

-Distractions. If someone's died or you just broke up with someone/got rejected by someone, distract yourself from the sadness! Eat loads of chocolate - it has the same mood-lifting compounds found in ecstasy, morphine and marijuana. Don't do drugs, though. ^.^
Watch youtube videos, play video games, go to sleep, take a really amaaaazing bath, bake something, exercise, look at cats, ANYTHING!

-Talk. A lot of people are there for you, so if you need advice or someone to vent to, do it to someone in person. Or on the internet, if that's what suits you.

In other words, cry. You feel a lot better afterwards. If you feel like crying later, that's not because it didn't work! Cry when you need to. If you're angry, PUNCH THE SHENANIGANS OUT OF YOUR PILLOW. I might do a post on how to deal with anger. o:

-Anything that suits you.

-If it's a problem that's worrying you, think it through and try to solve it. If it's an exam, go study for it (I wrote a blog post on how to revise for an exam if you want to check that out.) If it's a friend problem or a problem with another person, try to contact them or go to and go to the 'comfort spot' for help. If you're coming out, search the internet for inspiration. I might write a blog post on how to come out. That's one for the future. :)

If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, get help or get them help. Help is the only way out.

Suicide hotlines:

You might feel like you don't want help because you want to get out of here as fast as possible, but it gets better with time. I promise you that you'll get better. The problems might not go away, but you as a person will get better. You'll only experience happiness again if you get help.

Here is a children's/teenager's UK hotline. (as the majority of the viewers on this blog are from the UK.)

Childline (part of the NSPCC) (talk to an online counselor in private about almost anything. It also gives you puberty advice and lessons on current issues) :
0800 1111

If you want me to cover any other problems you or someone else might be having, such as eating disorders or self harming, I will be more than willing to make a post about it.

And if you're being bullied, I promise you you'll get better. Speak up and reach out.


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