Wednesday, 7 May 2014

How to deal with jealousy/envy

Sometimes you really can't help being jealous of someone, or you envy something they have that you don't.
Maybe they have a better family than you in some ways, or they are better looking than you. Admit it - we've all been jealous of someone for whatever reason.
It's not healthy!
Envy is one of the causes of unhappiness. Honestly, it's really unhealthy for your brain and causes stress and in some cases, psychopathic thoughts.

Here's how to deal with being jealous/envious of someone:

Step 1: Be happy for them.

If you're jealous of them, you want whatever they have which you don't, whereas if you're envious it means you want to destroy what they have or make them lose possession of it.
If they have something good, try being happy for that person. Go up to them maybe and compliment what they have. Making people feel happy is a cause of happiness - it's an opposite of being jealous/envious and makes you feel good. You might not want that person to feel happy, but come on; you only live once so why not make others around you happy? You won't feel happy otherwise - spend your one life being the purpose of someone's happiness because it's awesome.

Step 2: Be confident in yourself.

If that person's making you feel bad because they have something about themselves that you don't, read the following.

I want you to get a pen and paper or open up notepad or anything you can write on.


You done?

Hurry up.

Ok, good.

Now, write 5 or more things that are good about yourself or make you feel good about yourself.
Maybe you like your figure or you helped that person yesterday.
Perhaps you love your family or you have friends who love you. You could have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Maybe you're thankful for how much money you're lucky to have or you think you're intelligent/musical/sporty or whatever.
Or you got lots of likes on a profile picture.
You might've made someone smile today.
They can be as big or as small as you like.
I promise you you will be able to come up with at least 5.

See? You're an amazing person. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise because they're wrong and now you know it.

And if you want something someone else has, try to get it. If it's impossible, be happy for them.
It's the best you can do. :}


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