Thursday, 10 July 2014

10 Ways To Deal With Haitus'

Hey all. So, Harriet asked for help with the blog, and here I am.

So I'm a ridiculously huge fan of Supernatural, and if any of you are (huge or otherwise), you'll know that we were left on a massive cliffhanger (I'll attempt to keep any spoilers out of this). So I thought, what the heck, let's write down ways to survive helltus - or any other haitus.

  1.  Spend an obscene amount of time on Tumblr - Hey, you may do this anyway (I do, and I admit that), but what better way to fill your time, and so what if you cry at every post related to the show...
  2. Eat a very large amount of ice cream - Because really, this is just like a break up, although you know you're gonna get back together, it still leaves a pit in your chest that never, ever, ever seems to end.
  3. Get into another show - Because what better way to fill that pit but with another one that'll just make it bigger, and bigger, and when that show takes a break you'll probably cry, but by that time, the original show should hopefully be back on.
  4. Go outside and take up a sport - haha jk 
  5. Draw fanart - Maybe you don't think you're great at drawing, but trust me this way you'll get better, especially if you take your inspiration from others.
  6. Read fanfiction - Because when there are fans, the story's never over.
  7. Write fanfiction - Story. Never. Over.
  8. Plot world domination - Blueprints, small scale models, ect.
  9. Test your method of world domination in small scale - Maybe on a town or a city, maybe just one country, you choose.
  10. Dominate the world - What else is there to do at this point?

So, I hope that helps, and I hope that show comes on without the two year wait we had to endure for Sherlock.
Goodbye readers. Goodbye.

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